Handwriting Recognition Documentation

What we are doing

Currently for handwriting recognition, we are trying to make a script that could theoretically train a model for any recognition (classification) problem. This script is in the fslgroups/fslghandwriting/compute/generalized_hwr/recognition/classifier/train.py folder.

This script is based off of the one that was used for the Vetfinder app. That one was more specific, and we are trying to make this one more general.

We have been trying to get it to work with gender on the census. After this we will try to get it to do other ones, but we are just trying to see if it can adapt to that. So far we are running into problems–the model never gets over 52% accuracy. This is odd because it should be a fairly simple binary classification problem (Not really binary because there is male, female and blank). Jesse thinks there is a problem with how the data is being passed around.

What we have done

The Vetfinder app successfully discriminated between fields that said “ww” and ones that didn’t (in order to find people who had served in WWI).

Several years ago, some students developed the “start-follow-read” system. This was a system for both segmentation and handwriting recognition–it found the start of a line, followed along it to segment, then did handwriting recognition on the results. We have that available to us, however we haven’t used it much since it was trained on German writing. This could be possible to use, but has not been explored extensively.

An important note about handwriting recognition is the different types.

  • The more rigorous type goes character by character and outputs what it thinks it actually says. This tends to be less accurate, and comes with many difficulties.
  • The simpler type, and the one we have worked with more, is classification. It is much easier to create a neural network that simply distinguishes between a limited number of possibilities (“classes”). Supposed to have a different “class” for each column of the census. The only accurate “class” at this time is the one for the veteran status column.



Generalized handwriting recognizer for census documents (eventually).

`run.py`: Given a yaml config path, image root directory, segmentation path for that image dir, and output filename, this script will load the specified recognition and postprocessing modules for each field in the yaml config file. It will then use the provided segmentation data to read the images and output the labels to the specified output file.

`batch_run.py`: Same as run.py, but uses batching to speed up the process. Use `batch_run.py` rather than `run.py`.

`load_modules.py`: Responsible for loading recognition and postprocessing modules given the yaml config path. Also, when a new recognition module or postprocessing module is implemented, it should be imported into this file and registered in the `RECOGNITION_MODULE_NAMES` or `POSTPROCESS_MODULE_NAMES` dictionaries.

`recognition_module.py`: Defines the interface a recognition module must implement. Every recognition module should inherit this class and implement the methods in it - `__init__(self, args)` and `run(self, input_image)`

`postprocess_module.py`: Defines the interface a postprocess module must implement. Every postprocess module should inherit this class and implement the methods in it - `__init__(self, args)` and `run(self, recognizer_output)`

`printer.py`: Defines a csv printer that is used to output the generated labelled data to a .csv file. Feel free to define a different class with the same method interface if you want to redefine how output is being handled.

`datasets/Dataset.py`: Given segmentation data and the image root directory, this class loads and crops census images **line by line**. `__getitem__` ([] operator) returns a dictionary with the name of the image the line is in (`image_name`), along with a list of images, one for each field defined in the segmentation data.


warp-ctc: https://github.com/SeanNaren/warp-ctc

This is a dependency that many of the recognition modules may end up using. We'll include it globally so any new recognition modules that use CTC won't need their own copy.

General info

Recognition module classes should be stored in `recognition/[module_name_here]` directory (please put them in their own directory)

Postprocess module classes should be stored in `postprocessing/[module_name_here]` directory (please put them in their own directory)

`configs` directory: put census configs here. These are yaml files defining which recognition and postprocessing modules will be used for each individual field. Use `configs/none_config.yaml` as an example.

When you want to create a new recognition module, all you *need* to include is the `RecognitionModule` class that defines how it will read images it is given. However, you may, and probably will want to include all the training scripts for it inside the directory for that module, even though those training scripts will never be called directly by this system, but rather by you as you prepare the networks your modules will use. As long as you provide a working `RecognitionModule` class to be loaded by `load_modules.py`, you have free reign to include any and all training and supporting scripts in the directory for your recognition module. *DON'T FORGET TO REGISTER ANY MODULES YOU WRITE IN* `load_modules.py`.

Feel free to use the `recognition_args` attribute of each field to pass in a path to a network config file, and/or any other info you may want to pass to your recognition module. These args will be passed to your recognition module class as a tuple. Just be sure to document what args are expected in your module file.

Postprocessing modules are just like recognition modules, although they are less likely to need training scripts, and they take strings as input rather than images. They also receive arguments as a tuple, and you can decide how and if you need to use those arguments for anything. You may also feel free to include any and all supporting/training scripts in the directories for your postprocessing module, if you need to. *DON'T FORGET TO REGISTER ANY MODULES YOU WRITE IN* `load_modules.py`

handwriting/hwr_documentation.txt · Last modified: 2019/10/18 23:40 by
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