
Goal: Make humans more productive.

How: Allow them to do more tasks.

Claim: Multiple robots will help.

Problem Domain Specifics

Role of human: Does the human perform the tasks he schedules? Does he perform secondary tasks? How much involvement does the human have in managing the schedule?

Role of robots: Robots are a means to an end. They are there to aid the human to complete more tasks than would be completed otherwise.

Drucker Quote: Automation is the concept of the organization of work. (The Practice of Management, p.21)

Task Allocation

Diagram for single human manager: Tree structure, with the human as the root, one or more robots under him, and tasks as leaf nodes (under both the human and robots).

Function Allocation: Spatial/temporal may blur task and function allocation concepts in this domain.

Task Clustering: How should tasks be clustered? By similarity with other tasks?


How to modify it: Modify resource needs, performance requirements, etc. and let the system tell you what is feasible?

Adjustable/Adaptable Autonomy: Can “bump” deadline by moving to higher autonomy or wait mode. Different levels of autonomy will have different IT/NT signatures.

NT/IT: Set intervals? Or is the human/robots free to choose where their attention is used?

Model: Can drag tasks to be handled by the robot, but then that robot's IT/NT for the human changes. Switch costs need to be addressed as well. Bars representing IT can possibly be lengthened/shortened to better use the human's attention.

Possible Experiments

Resolve Information Sets: Have two people at two different computers with two different information sets. Give them a way to communicate, and measure task performance and information transmission.

extending-fan-out.txt · Last modified: 2014/08/20 12:18 by tlund1
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